Re: Chits vs. Dice
From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 14:05:55 -0800
Subject: Re: Chits vs. Dice
Peter Mancini writes . . .
I can't speak for everyone but my complaint against the chits is that
only have one set. In a large multi-player game, you can't have several
people resolving action at the same time.
I hear you on that, but actions in DS are resolved by alternating sides.
side elects a unit to move, fire, etc. then the opposing side does the
same. S
you really shouldn't have two combats occurring at exactly the same
This is unforgivable (unless of course Jon meant it as a marketing ploy
for us
to buy 4+ copies of the
Well you can buy extra sets of the chits . . . ;)
I know what you mean about trying new and innovative systems - however
opposed die roll system already in place for SG2 is MUCH nicer thant he
system in DS2 in my opinion.
I'm pretty sure DS was released before SG, and therefore used the
opposed die
roll system first. I wonder if Jon was inspired by previous rule sets
or if
this was his own novel invention.
What I can't wait for is for computer chips and power supplies to get so
small that when I roll dice they make the appropriate sound effects...
We may see that pretty soon as the PDA tech grows.