Re: [FT] Salvo Missile Range
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 07:06:44 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] Salvo Missile Range
Bell, Brian K wrote:
>SRM range limitation finally came up in a game that I was playing in.
It >was a tail-chase. But both sides were able to exceed a velocity of
>24mu before the SML carrying ships could get into range. At this point
>any SMLs launched would end up behind the firing ship. Has anyone
>else had this problem?
It's not a "bug", it's a "feature" <g>
>Oerjan (since you are the perceived King of high speed)?
I've encountered it often, but I've never had a problem with it. It's
in the same category as the "two ships can fly past each other from
outside weapon range without getting a chance to fire" - ie., somewhat
unrealistic but difficult or impossible to do anything about without a
total re-write of the game.
> Has anyone toyed with ideas for handling it?
>Ship velocity +24mu? Seems OK for the forward arc, but not for side
>arcs. Ship velocity +12mu? OK for FP and FS, but a little close for
>Fore arc.
> Deviation from the ship's course?
> Arcs of deviation: Max Range:
> 0 Ship Velocity + 24
> 1 Ship Velocity + 12
> (or 24 if greater)
> 2 24
> 3 24 - Ship Velocity
>Place SML markers as stated, but then move them the
>same course and velocity as the ship that fired them?
The course and velocity before or after the ship has maneuvered?
Beth has it spot on, though: All of these make Mikko's "dread missile
boat horde from hell" tactic extremely powerful, particularly in
Cinematic. In Vector you at least get a chance to shoot back at them -
*if* you survive the missiles, that is.
>Other Ideas?
Leave it as is?
Oerjan Ohlson
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry