Re: [DSII] Anyone SST bug stats for Tankers and Plasmas? (whoops, and Aliens FMA)
From: Charles Stanley Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 15:27:40 GMT
Subject: Re: [DSII] Anyone SST bug stats for Tankers and Plasmas? (whoops, and Aliens FMA)
In message <> wrote:
> I'm getting a fair number of micromachine sets, and while I have
plenty of
> uses for the warriors and hoppers in various schemes, I'll be having a
> surfeit of other things in the packs, such as drop and retrieval
> However, my main wondering was if anyone had worked up the tanker
> perhaps a tad large in DSII scale, and the plasma launchers, maybe
even a
> tad small.
> I think the tankers, while mollasses slow, would be doing 'pop up'
> out of the ground with mean weapon stats, while the plasma bugs would
> to be objectives, with some defensive fire possible, but I'd like to
> if anyone has done any of this yet.
> I'm hoping to get an action fleet brain bug to run with the mm 3-pack
> chariot bugs, but haven't a clue how I'd use it in gaming. ;->=
> Maybe an SST version of the Alien's GET BURKE scenerio?
> Buggers, that reminds me: I'd also like a brief description of the
> boardgame run 3-D under FMA. I love running the boardgame 3-D with
> rules, and am very intrigued by the variant!
> The_Beast
> -Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon
> One World, one Web, one Program - Microsoft promotional ad
> Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler
How about some of the menagerie of bugs designed for the TV show -
tougher (ie. grenade-proof) tank bugs, 'rippler' airbourne bugs, with
ranged attacks, 'blister' acid-shooting bugs, 'blaster' fire-thrower
bugs, and the infamous puppet-master derived 'control' bugs (see the
thread 'New Pod Armanents' for a Full Thrust application of 'control'
bugs :-).
>From the show I'd say that plasma bugs could be used as artillery.
Of course, getting figures for some of these may be a little difficult
:-) - though you could modify 'movie' SST 'hoppers' into 'TV' SST
'ripplers' I guess. Large(ish) toy spiders could be re-worked to become
'blister' and 'blaster' bugs (they look very similar).