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Stargrunt III? BDS?

From: "Peter Mancini" <peter_mancini@m...>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 15:08:14 EDT
Subject: Stargrunt III? BDS?

Hi all, have their been any rumors concerning SG III or "Bugs Don't
Surf"? SG II is one of my favorite games so obviously I am really
interested in learn ing more about any further development.    

I have been really pleased with the flee t books which I got at
_Origins_ this past summer. Their existance inspi red me to buy about
$250 in _GZG_ lead and I will probably buy much more over the next
couple of years so I can field a fleet from any of the lines giv en. I
am concurrently doing the same with the _Fleet Action _scale Babylon 5
figures (I already have the _Narn _and _Centaur i _fleets.) They seem to
mix and match pretty well size wise - also, concep tually I think they
fit in pretty well. I know some people like 'Indy' did a lo t of work to
come up with stats for them and at one point a role playing game h ad a
version of FT just for B5. I think it wo uld be nice to have a fan
version of B5 ship designs that are up to date with the current rules.	

On the SG II front, I s aw that there were some figures out for the
_Kra'Vak_ in 25mm but was di sappointed to see that they were organized
identically to the human forces. The y weren't very alien in my eyes.
Since their ships and space tech is so differe nt I was hoping their
ground organization and technology would be different as well. Does
anyone have any comments on this?   Thanks,  --Peter   

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