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[GZG WCC]: I forgot something!

From: Ted Arlauskas <ted@n...>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 10:37:20 -0700
Subject: [GZG WCC]: I forgot something!

Help!  I forgot something very vital for the convention - a boom box!
If you haven't left for home yet - please bring yours!	I've got several
sci-fi movie soundtracks and other appropriate music to "get us
in the mood."  Feel free to bring your favorite gaming music too.

Special treat for you West Coast-ers - I've got a copy of LOS's
Röt Hafen soundtrack!

See you in Oakland,
Ted	       |   LA Palm User Group Home Page  |

Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention - October 20-22, 2000

Prev: Re: RE-GZG weat coast con:4 (!) days and counting... Next: Re: [way OT] Mag Blast, Tartans, Daleks