Re: [FT] SSD question
From: Charles Stanley Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 18:27:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] SSD question
In message <> wrote:
> I'm just curious how others have been creating their SSD's for an
> game? I recently did a few using the bit mapped "ship bits" which can
be fou
> on the web. These looked nice but the trouble was there were quite a
> pages of just ship diagrams and an additional page for orders. This
seemed t
> cause much shuffling of paper which distracted from the game.
> In my next game I'm more inclined to use the SSD and Order sheet from
the bac
> of the FB1 book, and draw by hand the pertinent systems. I'm
wondering if
> anyone else has suggestions or experiences as to the best way to
handle SSD's
> (keeping them neatly confined to one page)?
Well, for the Full Thrust game I ran at Battlemasters 2000 I cut and
pasted photocopies of the SSDs from FB1, plus a turn chart and the box
describing what the various systems did ont A4. I then borrowed a
friend's laminator and laminated them using 360 mil film (thickest we
could find).
I also laminated a photocopy of the turn sequence sheet from FB2, which
has proven very useful, and some turning circles.
For Gen Con UK I printed out some sheet that Paul Radford sent me (Paul,
did you design the deathmatch sheets, or were they from Allan Goodall's
website?). These were prited on coulour paper and again laminated (but
we'd run out of 360 mil).
For Battlemasters 2001 <plug> April 21-22nd at Loughborough universty
</plug> I plan to produce the sheets using Artworks (a vector art
package, the forefather of Corel Xara and Xara X) and again laminate.
(I have the basis of these already done). <preach>The advantage of
vector art is that they look god at any scale, and, in the case of
simple line objects, like an SSD, they consume less memory than a good
quality bitmap.</preach>