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SV: AFV Recognition

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 06:52:42 +0100
Subject: SV: AFV Recognition

Alan Brain wrote:

>>BTW, there's a set of vehicle recognition tests on-line at
>> . 
>>FWIW, when I first tried them I had one error (of 30 possible <g>) in
>>the "friend or foe" test (mistook a Soviet 2S6 AA vehicle for a
>>Gepard - ie., I wouldn't have fired when I should have... at least I
>>wouldn't've caused a blue-on-blue),
>There was one I could have sworn was an IKV-91 (wasn't, was some >type
of T-something I imagine), but otherwise 29/30, allowing max of 1 >sec
to answer each.

Probably the M-84 (picture taken directly from the side, and with not
very many details showing). The Ikv-91 is much cuter than any
T-something <g> (Then again, I might be biased in this case...)
>Of course the days when you could say Western=Friend, Eastern=Foe >are
long gone.

Yep. The page recognises that too (fortunately <g>)... I suspect that
IFF gear is going to get a lot more important in the future, when both
sides use ex-Soviet vehicles :-/

>>but only 33 of 40 in the naming tests.
>32 for me.
>>My chronic inability to tell the difference between the various
>>IFVs struck again :-(
>Ditto. BTR-70, BTR-80 look remarkably similar, and I can never
>remember which characteristics to look for to split them unless
they're >next to one another. 
>Similarly T-80,-90.
>I'm reminded about Oscar Wilde's (?) comment on the Kama Sutra: >that
positions 91 and 158 are the same, except in 158 the woman has >her
fingers crossed.

<chuckle> Something like that, yes...

>And I know several of the vehicles by a different nomenclature - so I
>may not know it's a 2S1, to me it's an S-122.

Yes... he didn't give any NATO designations exept for the HIND-D, did

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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