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Re: SV: AFV Recognition

From: aebrain@d...
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 05:15:04 GMT
Subject: Re: SV: AFV Recognition

Sender: owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU

>Probably the M-84 (picture taken directly from the side, and with not
>very many details showing).

That's the one, yes.

> The Ikv-91 is much cuter than any
>T-something <g> (Then again, I might be biased in this case...)

Funnily enough, we don't get many Ikv-91s in this neck of the woods. Nor
for that matter. Now Type 59s, 69-Is, 69-IIs etc are a different matter.
>Yep. The page recognises that too (fortunately <g>)... I suspect that
>IFF gear is going to get a lot more important in the future, when both
>sides use ex-Soviet vehicles :-/

Concur. It was so much easier when square-turret = ours, round = theirs.
with Black Eagle even that's changed.

>Yes... he didn't give any NATO designations exept for the HIND-D, did

True-ish. BMD, BMP are fairly standard, (though how many know that the D
for Desantya <sp?>).

One thing that's almost vaguely on-topic: the design for the Combine
Light Tank
for OGRE is very reminiscent of the good old S tank. Or at least, the
few rare
ones I have are. But then again, so's the old GW plastic Eldar Falcon.

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