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From: "bif smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 11:21:05 +0100
Subject: FT-HH LAC`s

I was having a discusion off list with oerjan ohlson about designing HH
universe ships for FT, and complaining about the lack of range of FT
missiles for HH universe ships, if you use limited arc energy weapons
(i.e.-Cl-3 bats). Oerjan sugested using phalon pulsers, to represent a
ranged, massed battery of limited arc human weapons. This has awoken
ideas in my, rather rambling, brain case. I though about allowing humans
have a pulser weapon, limited to close range band only, with the same
PDS as
a Cl-1 bat. Making the mass and cost the same as a phalon pulser would
this weapon deadly at close range (the only range it could be used), and
rather expensive compaired to normal human weapons. This still leaves
problem of the limited range of the FT missiles (compaired to the HH
missiles), but have ignored this to allow my mind to continue.

As for the reason for this meandering ramble from my warped mind, lets


 MASS=24    COST=85
			    MASS    COST
B.HULL		       ---	       24
HULL(W) 		2		4
DRIVE T=12	    14		   28
NON FTL 	     ---	    ---
F.CONx1 		 1		4
PULSER(1a)x1[f]      2		  10
PDSx1			    1		   3
SMRx1			   4		12

I think this qualifies as a "egg shell with a howitzer" class of ship.
leave others to think about the HMLACC MINATOR, or I may post a
design/ramble/cock up for it later.

In case anybody`s curious, the problem I`m having with the HH missiles
the ratio of missile range of 3x that of the energy weapons ON MAX
If set for MAX ENDURANCE, the range increases to 12.5x that of energy
weapons against sidewalls/sheilds  (i.e.-VERY long ranged if the energy
weapons have a range of 12M.U.). If anybody has any ideas for
range missiles that could be used in this respect, please let me know. I
know that DW give specific figures for missile/energy weapon ranges in
book, and the ranges and accelerations for FT have been work out and
not match, but it`s the relative differences between the weapons that
(after all, FT is a non-specific system to represent starship combat).

Any comments anyone?


P.S.- I posted some designs for the arachnid ships on the full thrust
registery, and was gently explained where I was going wrong compaired to
starfire designs. In thinking about the ACID class SD, which should have
close range, high damage, sheild affected weapons, I now prefer using 6
pulsers instead of plasma torps, which are long ranged, high damage,
sheilds weapon. This makes them very dangerous at close range, which was
idea for these ship originally (I think). I may have to go back and
all the ships in light of new ideas.

P.P.S.-Ignore any spelling mistakes, as my spelling isn`t very good.

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