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Re: New site?

From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 15:34:26 EDT
Subject: Re: New site?

>Actually, I have been around for several years, off and on, but now 
>that I 
>am getting up to 50 emails a day on rather off topic subjects, it gets 
>irritating.. I understand it is all in good fun... sorry to be a 
>"stick in 
>the mud".

OT can be a problem - I have had to delete TOO many messages on religion
in the deja.recreational.miniatures.(misc or Historical)  lists lately. 
Jews vs. Christians vs. Atheists - the
Hindus/Buddhists/animists/agnostics/islamicists have either stayed out
not identified their stands.  I bailed out when it was clear the thread
was going NOWHERE fast.

No big deal.  No hot buttons means you're dead.  Everybody just has
different ones.

>Anyway.. I am over it..
>So to be totally hypocrital, is anyone here an MS Access guru? I am 
>to code a database/ship creator and can't figure  a few things out. 
>need some help.

Well, I just took a 8 hour 'wonder wizard' course at work on that.  So,
for me, no...  software looks pretty nice though.  Tried teaching myself
it 'on the fly' several years ago.  Tougher then it looks in some

Gracias, Triphibious/Glenn
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