To Dave and Andy: Re: Mini Related Questions
From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 15:32:51 -0500
Subject: To Dave and Andy: Re: Mini Related Questions
Oh well, fools rush in...
Please note this is based, not on actual knowledge, but the fact my last
set of stupid comments actually seemed to help:
1) Last year at Bifrost ('99) I bought a load of what were called
bearing absolutely no similarity to the Starship Troopers (film) bugs at
*ahem*. Since I got these from the GZG stall I assumed that the 'e'
for Eureka but I can't find these on his site, does anyone know where I
get more or will there be some at Bifrost this year?
I mean 25mm and don't mean either of the 3 bugs in the GZG catalogue
2) I am informed that at a convention last weekend (in the UK) there was
game using these bug figures (possibly) and also using at least one big
tanker bug, anyone know where the big bug came from?
GZG has it's own not-STT Bugs; I'm not sure if Paul has a pic on the
or not.
Could the tanker bugs have been Galoob? I've seen 'em in three different
sizes, and can fit into gaming quite well.
Are there any pictures of the OUDF power armored troops? If so let me
where I can find them.
Also what scale of models do you folks use with the SGII series of
miniatures? Is 1/48th scale best?
Ok, now you've done it! If you're going to rekindle holy wars, you are
*heh heh*
Actually, I think 'true 25mm' is closer to 1/64th, though certain
on this list will claim 1/72th or 1/48th. On the other hand, if your
have to be Evil Empire(tm) steel behemouths, go for 1/35th. A WWII
AFV, say an sp-gun or, my favorite, a Maus, can be made into a truly
horrifying monstrosity.
Watch a Baneblade tuck tail and run! ;->=
-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon
One World, one Web, one Program - Microsoft promotional ad
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler