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Re: [OT] Looking for our GZGverse Japanese faction

From: "Chris DeBoe" <LASERLIGHT@Q...>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:36:19 -0400
Subject: Re: [OT] Looking for our GZGverse Japanese faction

Tom Barclay scrawled:
> I know most of the nations of the GZGverse have an online proponent or
> I'm not sure who laid claim to Japan though Noam has suggested Nathan
> Pettigrew (sp?). If so, could Nathan (or whoever else may have written
> GZGpedia style info on Japan) drop me a line? Thanks. I want to pick
> her brain a bit for some development I'm doing on a new AE

Tom is working on two new sovereignities, both of them really
And both of them definitely the sort of place you wouldn't find anywhere
else.	I'm planning on reworking my Alarishi website (moving it to a
location with no pop-ups) before the end of October (stop laughing, I
mean it this time)(yes, that's October *this* year, thanks) and
if you have in mind ideas for a sovereignity, please send them now!

As a quick recap for some of the new listers, the Alarishi Empire (AE)
three star systems including the rocks, moons, comets, habitants and
therein (no habitable planets).  The government--such as it is--is a
libertarian monarchy; the economy is a rapidly growing laissez faire
market.  Some of our sovereignities include:
*New Los Angeles (dolphins can vote here--and they're probably the most
sensible citizens)
*Han Bank (tax-free private banking)
*Jack Old Ron (one man, one asteroid, one holography editing
one Beam-3 battery)
*Planet of the Geeks (producer of GeekSoft products)
*SARCo Search and Rescue (referred to by the Oceanic Union as "Vultures
*Forward Power (antimatter engineering)
*The Democratic People's Socialist Republic of Marxgrad (about 200
*Reynolds Corporation (shipyards and heavy engineering on New
Pascagoula--Yankees need not apply)

and so forth.

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