Re: Nations ? was: Pirates and Privateers
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 27 Sep 2000 08:13 GMT
Subject: Re: Nations ? was: Pirates and Privateers
> > That is a very, very good question. Ummm... it's a nation to
> > those who recognize it.
> What is it to the other ones?
Take your pick:
- an enemy occupied zone (East Germany to West Germans, even after the
East German government was nominally established)
- a 'strange object' ['Gebilde'] (ditto)
- a breakaway province (China about Taiwan)
- a figment of imperialist machinations (China about an independent
- a capitalist puppet regime (North Korea about South Korea)
- the result of Western-Zionist conspiracy (Arabs about Israel)
- a terrorist territory (Russia about Chechnya)
Karl Heinz