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Re: DSII: Parachute deployed vehicles...

From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 22:12:10 EDT
Subject: Re: DSII: Parachute deployed vehicles...

Page 43, second column, second paragraph.  

Air - Size 1 vehicles.
Space - Infantry Walkers.

Gracias, Triphibious/Glenn
Triphibious Marines = Nektons.
Not all Frogs are French, or even Human!
Nektons, be all the Marine you can be!
Resistance is EVERYTHING!

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 15:17:23 -0700 writes:
>DS does have rules for air dropped deployment.  For vehicles this is 
>limited to
>size 1 & 2, IIRC.
>"Imre A. Szabo" <> on 09/13/2000 03:28:10 PM
>Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>To:   "gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU" <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
>cc:	(bcc: Aron Clark/AM/Avid)
>Subject:  DSII:  Parachute deployed vehicles...
>In this months issue Armed Forces Journal, there is an artical about a
>company developing a system for parachute deployment of vehicles with
>the crews on board.  They have currently conduct over two dozen tests
>with 4 wheel ATV's and would like to test deploying HUMMV's...  The 
>military isn't currently interested, but the Eqyptians are somewhat
>intersted.  The ATV manufactures freek out when they here about thier
>ATV's being driven out the back of an airplane 25,000 ft. in the 
>The deployment system uses a ram parachute, so they can manuever in 
>This could make for neat new scenarios and tactics for DSII.  For
>assault purposes, you would only need dropships for big stuff, size 5
>and probably size 4.  Size 3 and smaller
>could be parachuted in with the crews on board...  I wonder how much
>trouble a half dozen NAC Paladins, Hoplites, Hunters, and Defenders
>could stir up if I parachuted them in behind enemy lines...

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