Re: [OT] - Hmmm... an idea has sprouted!!!
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 13:48:26 -0400
Subject: Re: [OT] - Hmmm... an idea has sprouted!!!
From: Barclay, Tom <>
> You know, Laserlight made a good point (what I expect from
Chris, even with
> sympathies to the South of Mason-Dixon...*wink*)
That's not as clearly written as it might have been, Tom. Try
this: "I don't just think it's a good idea solely because of its
originator-- although Laserlight is a Confederate sympathizer and
therefore obviously a clear-thinking, right-minded gentleman. It
would still be a good idea even if it had come from a Yankee."
> What do you think? GoodIidea? Bad Idea? Waste of Time?
> If it seems like a good idea, maybe someone (okay I spoke
It's that parenthical phrase there that makes it a _really_ good
idea. :-)