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Best Sold? was Re: Best selling FT ships?

From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:23:39 -0500
Subject: Best Sold? was Re: Best selling FT ships?

Not at all...
Here in the UK, the top sellers are probably roughly equal between NAC
NSL, with ESU and FSE a bit behind them, but the UNSC are catching up
(given that they've only been out a much shorter time).
OU and IF slower due to limited ships available (yes, we DO intend to do
some more at some point!)

For the aliens, the KV are definitely the top seller, then SV, Phalons
but gradually accelerating.

Thanks! I would have thought exactly so, even with the continued praise
the ESU. You have definitely left them 'unglamourous'. ;->=

The question I have is probably more difficult to answer: what is the
largest fleet extant? Do you have a feeling for the order of sizes of
fleets over your full run, as opposed to recent sales?

I'm curious as to total 'throw weight' now that we have a feeling for
vox populi.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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