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Re: [FT] Questions from a new Full Thrust player

From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:53:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Questions from a new Full Thrust player

Well, inspite of Schoon stealing my thunder:

My name is Brian Thomas; I'm 21, and have been wargaming for about 3
now (help!  I can't stop;).  I, and my gaming group, are relatively new
Full Thrust, having mostly done GW mini games, with some Clan War and B5
Wars thrown in.  With that in mind, a few questions have come up

Howdy, neighbor! Greetings from Nebraska (Lincoln).

Three years ain't nuthin'. Wait til you find a gurl. That'll be the end
yur gamin'. ;->=
Have you tried B5 Fleet Action yet? I'm still deciding myself.

I invite you to look at the list archives; everything I say'll be wrong.

1) Where exactly are the advanced fighter rules?  (ie, torpedo,
interceptors)  Are they in FB2, or is More Thrust still in production? 
have FT and FB1)

I was tripped up on this one; I think they're repeated/updated in FB2,
I don't have a copy handy.

2) What sort of size fleet are people normally playing?  We've played a
2000 and 3000 pts per side (2 players per side) game, and are leaning
towards 2000 each person.  What has people's experience been for 'ideal'
size fleets?

I tend towards a BIT smaller, but I know one can tire of those quickly.

3) Has anyone had any luck basing Superior minis on flight stands?  Some
them would seem well-nigh impossible (Galactic Dreadnought-sized), but
destroyers and destroyer leaders seem possible.

I forget what the std Terran DD is called, but the DDL is Samurai,
right? I
seem to recall there's a bulge in the std close to the balance point.
Problem with Superior is there's almost as much detail, and in the
more, on the bottom than the top. Also, the Terran DD's are a bit thin
drilling hold for posts. One of my many projects that will never be is
make a 'cradle' stand, perhaps using blue/white tac to hold the ship on.

4) Will there be a FT 3d edition anytime soon, or a FB3?

*shhh* We must be grateful for the bounties we've received and let the
groppos have their Bugs Don't Surf. ;->=

5) What sort of success have people had with the NAC?  (my most likely
fleet choice, using Superior minis)

I've flown ESU and NSL against them, and I've come to respect them.
claim them challenging. What higher praise, no?

6) Just how unbalancing, if at all, have people found DIY fleets from

Compared to the out-of-book fleets, they can be VERY unbalanced. Again,
I'll direct you to the archives, but I think you'll find that most folks
would say, either FB fleets must meet FB fleets, and DIY meet DIY, or FB
fleets against a really well-optimised DIYs can be used as a 'handicap'.

Jon's stated that the designs are supposed to represent ships that have
uses other than simple one off battles.

Someday, I hope Battlegroup Lincoln can get it's poop-in-a-group and
you and yours up for some heavy burning of ships in the ether...


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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