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RE: The Future - Perhaps?

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 10:37:32 -0400
Subject: RE: The Future - Perhaps?

Well, after Jon releases Bugs Don't Surf (DS/SG/FMASk Supplement) and
possibly the Senarios Book, I think that it would be nice to see FB 3rd

I would like to see:
 - Consolidation of rules from the various sources
     (Books & Jon's official comments)
 - Updated cross-over rules for FT/DS2/SG2/FMASk
 - Boarding Rules
 - EWF (ECM/ECCM/Scanner) Rules
 - Updated cloaking rules
 - More History (he's got me hooked)
 - Updated Genre Weapons

It would be nice if he released FB3 at the same time that covered 
 - IF
 - PAU
 - IC
 - NI
 - OU

Brian Bell 

PS Acronym Expansion:

DS		Dirtside II
FB		Fleet Book
FMASk	Full Metal Anorak Skirmish
FT		Full Thrust
IC		Indonesian Confederation
IF		Islamic Federation
LLAR	League of Latin American Republics
NI		New Israel
OU		Oceanic Union
PAU	Pan African Union
SG		Stargrunt
UNSC	Untied Nations Space Command

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Robert []
> Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 9:54 AM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	The Future - Perhaps?
> I don't know if this is what Bwana Jon is going to do
> but it seems likely (and no I don't think he has it
> all clearly mapped out, yet).
> The third edition of Full Thrust will further extend
> the timeline. The Siege of Sol, where the FB2 timeline
> left off, will be lifted by UN ships armed with new
> weapons allowing mankind to push back the Kra'Vak.
> These new weapons will be the 'pretty toys' of the
> third edition - maybe railguns or spinal mounts (don't
> those big UN ships look like good spinal mount
> candidates?) and if it lists any new ships they will
> be the new UN fleet - existing ships hastily refitted
> with new modules for the new weapons.
> Well we only have to wait another two years (or so) to
> find out what is really in the book.
> Michael
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