[FT] Comments to Ship Design
From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 13:04:53 -0700
Subject: [FT] Comments to Ship Design
Here are a few of the designs I'll be running at my next FT game.
Thought I'd
offer them up during this dry spell. In this scenario players will
select from
pre-designed fleets, fighting over randomly generated objectives, with
point totals. I've still got three more fleets to design, good thing
the game
is not until September 16th. All designs made with Schoon's FT3 Excel
sheet, which has made things much easier
Fleet I - Up to 10 of the following
Star Wolf Cruiser
Mass 80
Cost 254
Hull Average / 24 Boxes
Thrust 8 [heavy G race, can easily out maneuver other human tech]
Class 2 Beam (F, FS, FP) x 2
Class 1 Beam x 1
Sub Pack x 2 (AS, AP) [for the high speed pass at close range]
Fire Control x 2
PDS x 3
ADFC x 1
Cargo Space x 2 [to hold the loot from planetary raids]
[I'd wanted to include a SML, but that just seemed to push the cost a
bit over
the top]
Fleet II - Up to 6 White Stars, 3 Cruisers, 1 Capital
White Star Destroyer
Mass 33
Cost 104
Hull Average / 10 Boxes
Thrust 6
Class 3 Beam x 1 (F) [ie great big B5 beam]
Class 1 Beam x 1
Fire Control x 1
PDS x 2
Passenger Space x 2 [to increase # of hull boxes]
Unnamed Mimbari Cruiser
Mass 78 / 23 Boxes
Cost 268 + 18 = 286
Hull Average / 23 Boxes
Thrust 4
Class 4 Beam x 1 (F)
Class 3 Beam x 1 (F, FS, FA)
Class 1 Beam x 3
Fire Control x 3
Hangar Bay x 1
Fighter Group x 1
PDS x 4