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Re: can am war

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 22:45:32 -0400
Subject: Re: can am war

> I think Sunday morning would be preferred for this event.
> All of the larger games with two time slots will be run
> on Saturday afternoon and evening.  I think you'll have
> necessary participants in the morning.
> Jon Davis

I was thinking of requiring the vistors to consume their beer as
they won it--sort of a progressive adjustment to keep things
balanced.  However, if we're doing it Sunday morning, we may need
another idea.

The CanAm Cup, to be kept by the victorious Admiral till next


(after some adjustment of fleet sizes) Bring your fleet (primed
and maybe base coated, no elegant paint jobs unless you're really
confident), and when you lose a ship--the victor keeps it!
That'll take care of morale rolls and "fight to the last man"

I'm not really entirely happy with either of these, so let's get
some ideas from the rest of the list.

Prev: Re: CanAm Next: RE: [CON] ECC IV - March 2-4, 2001 - Call for participation