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Re: [FT] Relative damage

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 22:22:14 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Relative damage

> a) What movement system do you play?
> b) How long do you games last?
> c) How damaged are the ships at the end and how quickly do they
fall along
> the way?
> Its fairly obviously (based on relative opinions, tactics,
ideas of
> acceptable loses etc) that vector is quite of often short and
> compared to cinematic. I was just wondering how big the
difference is though.
> For instance we play vector, the games last about 3-6 turns
mostly and most
> ships are pretty fragged at the end (quite often there's only a
> left at all).

Using the Islamic Federation ships, vector movement.  Battles
usually last 2-3 turns after we get within range, and it's
bloody.  Either I hit with lots of SMRs (in which case the enemy
usually is looking quite ill) or I miss but am out of range (in
which case I bravely run away) or I miss and am in range of
return fire ("think of it as evolution in action").

I think it would last longer if I played normal ships, and my
impression is cinematic usually lasts 6-10 turns.

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