DS2 Multiple weapons in turret questions:
From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 22:35:26 EDT
Subject: DS2 Multiple weapons in turret questions:
1) It's pretty clear in the basics how main weapons in turrets are
designed to be used; pages 28-30 pretty clearly cover main guns in
2) It's also clear when two weapons of the same class in a turret act
(page 32.)
3) It's pretty clear that when a main gun and an APSW are in the same
turret you can only fire one at a time at Infantry (page. 35) although
seems to make the traditional cannon and secondary APSW combination in
WW2 and today's turrets pretty much an either/or and forbids 'both
together' in a combat round. Quibble, quibble, quibble.
4) What's not so clear is what happens when some nut case (like myself)
designs a series of vehicles with multiple weapons of different classes
for a unit.
Currently i am working on a Divisional TO&E to draw formations from for
DS2 scenarios. I am positing the first battalion as "air dropped" -
Class one sized vehicles and infantry (including power armor and a
section of infantry walkers;) the second battalion as "Interface
- class 2 sized vehicles and infantry; Third battalion (and fourth) are
"Drop Ship capable" using size three and four vehicles plus infantry
[think of them as mechanized and armored] plus the remaining
being heavier vehicles (a few size 5) and arty/VTOL/Aerospace/train.
Not knowing better I worked on the vehicle designs and on most of the
vehicles with enough size to carry two guns I put different
weapons/classes. For Example:
This is a mid-tech force using HMT power sources -
Class One vehicles for the Airdrop Battalion:
APC - One Fire Team, APSW (second) on pintle mount
Lt. Attack - turreted 2xDFFG-1
Class Two vehicles for the Interface Landing Battalion:
APC - 2 Fire Teams, turreted DFFG-1
Attack - Slam/3
Lt TD - HKP/3
Class Three/Four Vehicles (Battalions Three/Four plus others)
Size three (all of Battalion 3 and most of Battalion 4)
APC - 3 Fire Teams, Turreted DFFG-1
Lt. IFV - 2 Fire Teams, turreted MDC-2
LBT - Twin weapons in Turret - 2xSLAM/3
MBT - Turret: Main - HKP/4, Secondary HEL-1
Lt. TD - FIXED mount(s) [over/under] - HKP/4, HEL/3
Size Four (Remainder of Battalion four and included in some other
APC - 3 Fire Teams, turreted DFFG-2
IFV - 2 Fire Teams, Turreted SLAM/3
MBT - several options - all turreted - (none final currently)
a. HKP/5, HEL/2
b. SLAM/5, MDC/2
c. HKP/4, MDC/3
d. MDC/3, HEL/3
TD - Fixed, over/under - HKP/5, DFFG/5
Size 5 vehicles : (selected platoons in Battalion 4 and other
HBT - two versions
a. "pure AT' - twin turret HKP/5
b. "DP" - twin turret MDC/4, ENH PDS, LAD
c. "LR" - twin Turret HEL/4, ENH PDS, LAD
Obviously it is in the dual weapons of different systems/sizes that it
gets unclear to me. [The size three and four vehicles.] Do I treat
as firing one OR the other system only per round, or Do I treat this as
two separate attacks (?!?) per round, or do I (assuming both are in
range) treat this a similar (a variant) to the 'twin turret" (page 32,
Multiple Mount Weapons) rule? If I had to make a 'house rule' right now
I would choose to make both weapons fire, rolling an appropriate die for
the individual weapon's range (range 50 inches - HKP/5 long range, HEl/2
short range.)
What's the group consensus?
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