Re: [FT] New spaceship pictures.
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 21:20:59 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] New spaceship pictures.
At 10:56 AM 7/14/00 -0500, you wrote:
>From the site:
>It's a sevicable paint scheme, but every time that I look at these
ships I
>swear that someday I will go back and add details to them. Just don't
>your breath.
>Well, if it REALLY offends you, I could always take this ships off your
>hands... ;->=
It ain't that bad! What does kinda annoy me is that I have about 50
Tyranid ships painted (including some 28mm plastic warrior guns and some
Alternative Armies backpacks that have been pressed into service), and
three of them are larger than a destroyer. The Hiveships might, if
feeling charitible, be classified as heavy cruisers...but it's a
Still, lots and lots of little ships can be quite effective.
>Another RAFM Traveller miniature. This one is supposed to be a
>liner, I believe.
>In Traveller, refered to as a Subsidised Merchant, or Fat Trader. Fine
>liner, if you wish.
Thanks -- I've added that in.
>Ground Zero Games, a cargo ship. I scanned it at an angle; it was an
>experiment, but it seems to have been at least partially successful.
>Actually, I think VERY effective; The aft being out of focus give depth
>my eyes.
After getting to see it on a decent monitor -- the laptop screen is not
best -- I agree. So I did a lot more pictures in the same style....
of them, an NSL battlecruiser, came out remarkably well.
>A friend painted some of the FF ships to put with his NSL fleet. I was
>skeptical, but glad I end up buying the lot, both GZG and FF, thank you
>very much. ;->=
Good to see that I wasn't the only one with that idea! I've got
posted now, on the fourth and last page of photos, along with my FSE,
Sa'Vasku, and some other NSL ships.
I also revised the first two pages, adding several pictures to each one.
The first page has a ship that needs to be identified, if anyone can
And the GZG pictures are on
John X Crimmins
" one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information. Don't ever piss one off."
--Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.