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Re:Salvo Missile Varients

From: Michael Llaneza <maserati@f...>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 15:28:23 -0700
Subject: Re:Salvo Missile Varients

At 10:59 PM +0100 7/15/00, Charles Stanley Taylor wrote:
>Well, after inventing rather too many new Sa'Vasku pod launcher
>munitions - I've got a few ideas for alternative salvo missile types -
>some of these are more question than suggestions - as I've come up with
>a basic idea, but can't think of a good way to implement it!

How about adding one or two 'special' missiles, ecm, remote sensors, 
maybe a needle beamer, or some sort of penetration aid [is there 
something else we can call these ?] a la Honor Harrington ?

Hmm, penaids....

Replace two missiles in a salvo with ECM drones. Every PDS engaging 
that salvo suffer a -1 penalty to their die roll. Roll for the number 
of missiles that hit normally, except that any quantity of missile 
hits greater than 4 is reduced to 4 hits.  Replacing two regular 
missiles with penaids costs 5 points.

This could be changed to -1 per penaid in the salvo, but that would 
be a bit much. Or, -1 per two penaids would be good, it'd give a 
better chance of getting at least a few hits on a well protected 
target. I'm also not 100% sure about the points cost, but Oerjan will 
probbaly set me straight.

<side note to Brendan>
You may want to consider these for the HH rules.
</side note to Brendan>

Michael Carter Llaneza
Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1991-1950
Devolution is very real to me.
Whenever I hear the "Odd Couple" theme, I get this image of Dennis 
Rodman borrowing Marge Schott's toothbrush.
Like most emails, this one is probbaly a first draft

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