Fighter Morale
From: "Grogan, Paul" <pg70201@g...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 13:47:56 +0100
Subject: Fighter Morale
Now, I may be wrong on this but fighters seem a lot, lot worse than they
used to be.
I've not used fighters that often, and never in large amounts, but the
way I read it is as follows:
Fighter squadrons attack a enemy within 6MU, the enemy ship assigns its
PDS and other defences.
Rerolls apply for PDS fire on a '6'
> This is the first bit I don't use. I like the re-rolls against ships
as ships now have generally more mass, and a few extra DP doesn't sway
the game too much. However, against fighters, a lucky roll can be
devastating. How many other people don't use re-rolls for fighters?
Now, the morale rules are OK, I used to use these and have the roll
before the attack run is announced, so a reduced strength squadron is
unlikely to attack an enemy with functioning PDS systems. And as per
new ADFC rules, if they don't declare an attack run, they cannot be
FB2 suggests the morale rule is used after the PDS fire has been made.
This means that any casualties that were inflicted by PDS fire reduce
the chance of the remaining fighters making their attack run.
I know I am allowed to make my own house rules for this, but most of you
out there have played around with fighters more than me, is this how
you guys play them?
If this is they way they are played, then if you only have 1 or 2
fighter squadrons per side, I can see them getting blown to bits without
inflicting much damage
Paul Grogan