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Re: Sa'Vasku Pre-Loaded Fighters

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 21:32:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku Pre-Loaded Fighters

> Note: All the 'over mass' ships cannot make a
> jump into combat, they are the 'S' equal to
> a system defence boat.

I'm not interested in system defense boats.  That was not my intent.  At
6 points per fighter, the game should be balanced.  If there is an
enbalance, I suspect that it would be against the Sa'Vasku.  (Or
overloaded carrier).

>      The overloaded ships lack of jump also
> applies to standard human ships.
>      The carriers can offload all fighters prior
> to start of combat, so overloading is not any
> penalty.
>      A higher rate of consumption for air, food,
> ect. is not a tacitical consideration, it is
> stratigic and cannot trigger any sort of
> tacitical effects.   (Unless one wishes to
> create a scenario around an out of supply ship.)

That's what the points surcharge per fighter represents...  And more
importantly, the accident rate...

>      I have a problem with the 'ambush in space'
> concept.   Like how can it happen?
> (A convoy raider equipped with stealth and jamming,
> sneaking up on a poorly defended convoy, I can handle
> under my house rules.)

I disagree here.  You are planning an assault on a major, heavily
defended planet.  You jump your fleet in system, rendevous with
frieghters before making the final short range jump to the planet.
Unknown to you, you were betrayed, and the enemy defending  fleet
pounces your fleet while you are replenishing...


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