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RE: [FT]: SV womb mod for fighters

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:11:06 -0400
Subject: RE: [FT]: SV womb mod for fighters

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Izenberg, Noam []
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 8:49 AM
> To:	'FT List'
> Subject:	Re: [FT]: SV womb mod for fighters
> > >since the SV womb must launch its fighters before generating more,
> > >maybe the SV carriers could purchase a launch bay holding type area
> > >for created ftrs. this would prevent the launching of piecemeal
> > flights.
> Nyrath:
>	Maybe it can be mobile.
>	I'm thinking about that frightening scene in Babylon 5.
>	One of those hideous Shadow ship flies up like 
>	a spider from hell.
>	It seems to pucker in the middle, and spits out
>	a spiky ball.
>	The ball flies into the middle of a formation
>	of enemy ships, then explodes like a detonating
>	hornet's nest into a swarm of Shadow fighters!
> Ooo. Howabout
> Eggsac:
> +1 energy and +1 mass (or +2 or +3 energy)  per drone group produced,
> limit
> 4 groups.
> Eggsac is launched as SM; 24" range in F arc. At "detonation"
> Egg
> bursts and all drone groups are launched, each can use its full
> Eggsacs require 3 energy in D pool and 1 mass/20 turns to maintain, so
> they
> can't be "charged up" indefinitely.
> Noam
Of course, the egg sack is vulnerable to threshold checks and needle
If it is damaged before launch, all drones are lost.

So it basically doubles the initial flight of the drone groups for 1
and1 energy and provides a way for SV wombs to "store" drones for a

Brian Bell	  

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