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RE: FB2... hmmmm...

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 09:20:36 -0400
Subject: RE: FB2... hmmmm...

Morale rules come in when the Torp Fighters have to face screening
and PDS before being able to attempt a strike at thier target. 

3 flights of TorpFighters takes 3 turns to get to the target.
On the 2nd round flight 1 is hit by enemy fighters and looses 4
  It in return does kills 1 fighter. 
  Enemy Fighters: 5
  Flight 1: 2
  Flight 2: 6
  Flight 3: 6
On round 3, the enemy fighter group rolls for Morale.
  It gets a 4, so attacks flight 2 and kills 4 fighters.
  Flight 2 is diverted from the target and kills 1 enemy fighter. 
  PDS kills 3 fighters in Flight 3.
  Flight 1 rolls for Morale and gets a 3. He only has 2 fighters, so
  Flight 3 rolls for Morale and gets a 4. He only has 3 fighters, so
  No fighters are able to attack this turn.
  Enemy Fighters: 4
  Flight 1: 2
  Flight 2: 2
  Flight 3: 3
On round 4, the enemy fighters roll for Morale and get a 3
  The enemy fighters attack Flight 3 and kills 2 fighters.
  Flight 3 tries to ignore the enemy fighters to strike the ship.
  It rolls higher than a 1, so is unable to attack the ship.
  PDS kills 1 fighter in flight 1 and 1 fighter in flight 2.
  Flights 1 & 2 roll for Morale, but roll higher than a 1, so fail.
  Enemy Fighters: 4
  Flight 1: 1
  Flight 2: 1
  Flight 3: 1
At this point they have used 3 rounds of endurance and need to roll a 1
on a
d6 in order to attack. Chances are that the enemy fighters and PDS will
out 2 of these groups if they press the attack.

Now, granted that this is a strawman and that Flight 3	on round 3 had
50/50 chance to make the attack. However, the Torpedo fighters
the enemy fighters by 3:1. [Number of kills were based on average rolls
without re-rolls and rounding up on each side].

Brian Bell	  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Books []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 8:15 AM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	Re: FB2... hmmmm...
> On  6-Jun-00 at 21:10, Beth Fulton (
> > First up I'm still amazed at the assumption regarding 'there will be
> > fighters' and two its interesting that you like torpedo bombers this
> much, 
> > we don't use them much at all (guess its the difference between
using or
> > not using morale rules)
> > 
> Not that we have used Torpedo fighters much, but it looks like morale
> rules would favor Torp fighters.  If they only get 1 shot and break
> morale that is fine.
> Roger

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