Prev: Re: [FT]Big ol' fleet game (was Re: Pre-measuring things) Next: (SG) (DS) Free Worlds Accord, etc.

To Measure Or Not To Measure - That IS the Question!

From: "Thomas.Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@c...>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 17:01:12 -0400
Subject: To Measure Or Not To Measure - That IS the Question!

There are PSBs for either school of thought. One contends that your
etc. give you ranges. True enough. The contrarian school contends that
EW, etc. blur the positions, and their are time lags etc. to compensate
so the not-measuring is a representation of those uncertainties. Some
"It slows things down", other say "Not really". One group says "But how
I contend with people whose eyes are better?" and others say "It isn't
winning and what about differences in tactical skills anyway?". 

This is ultimately a "Does To!" "Does Not!" style of argument. There is
right answer, only one right for a given group. Most of my pals don't
pre-measure. I don't mind it. In Jon's PBeM game, I used the computer to
about 50% of its capability and won a rather hefty victory (the
had some real life stuff interfering, in all fairness). I didn't mind
either. Ultimately, I feel I can thrive in either environment. The
challenges are different but a good player can cope and adapt and

No one likes cheese. No one likes slow slow games. No one likes to see
cheats or to play with others not of their style of gaming. Welcome to
reality. This has always been the case. You find those of like mind, you
tend to enjoy time together. If you are open minded, as I am, you tend
enjoy gaming with almost everyone. 

I can "play to win" in which case I'll crank up the brain and look for
loopholes and try every trick in the book to get the job done because
objective is victory - the more decisive the better. I can also play to
fun where I don't care and am more concerned about who brought the beer
what kind of pizza was ordered than whether I win. You have to go with
style of game that fits best in your group. And if you have to run
at a con, you have to go with the least problem-prone and the most
administered in a situation where <insert demonic figure of choice -
Australian land or sea life seem appropriate> shows up at your table. 

Why don't we put this one to bed? I'm not against OT rambles (The Great
Maker would have to blue-bolt me for being such a hypocrite) but surely
one does boil down to a polar choice and both sides have made their
Seems to me people can make up their minds on their own and we can go on
something new, yes?

Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist 
Defence Systems
xwave solutions
v: (613) 831 2018 x 3008

Alea iacta et pessimo resulto factura est.
Ave, Caesar! Te morituiri salutimas!   

Prev: Re: [FT]Big ol' fleet game (was Re: Pre-measuring things) Next: (SG) (DS) Free Worlds Accord, etc.