Re: DS2 Balance
From: "Robert W. Eldridge" <bob_eldridge@m...>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 03:29:00 -0400
Subject: Re: DS2 Balance
Actually, the M4 (WWII) had a higher rate of fire (lighter rounds) than
M1A2, although rate of fire is VERY dependent on the training of the
The M1A2's advantages are vastly superior armor which the WWII tank
not penetrate, even from the flank, about ten times the effective range
a much higher hit probability (a combination of the gun and the fire
system) and far superior sensors (thermal imaging). On yeah, and it's
faster and has a much higher acceleration due to the turbine. It's no
exaggeration to say a platoon of M1A2 tanks could annihilate an entire
armored division, probably without taking a single casualty.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ndege Diamond <>
To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:50 AM
Subject: RE: DS2 Balance
>At 09:57 PM 4/23/00 +1000, you wrote:
>> I like the idea of higher rates of fire for the increase in FC
>>this might over balance a bit?....perhaps the approach of allowing
>>multiple shots but rolling a FC dice lower, or using the higher FC
>>only the one shot?
>The extra shots are interesting. I will have to try that next time I
>DS. Does anyone have any information as to if this is borne out in
>life? Is the ROF of a M1A2 double that of a comparible WWII tank?
> Example... > Basic = 1
>>> Enhanced = 2
>> 2 shots using Basic or 1 with Enhanced
>>> Superior = 4
>> 4 shots using Basic, 2 using Enh or 1 using Sup
>>> Brilliant (D12) = 8
>> In any event, if Tony hasn't also Up Armoured then in a straight
>>match LoTek will always win....At odds of 5 to1 HiTek has to hit every
>>time, LoTek only has to hit once..... Try the tactic of hitting and
>>pulling back to maintain your advantage of range?
>Also, were any infantry used by either side? Engineering vehicles?
>Ndege Diamond
>Every dogma has its day.