Re: Two AARs--John Atkinson vs Laserlight
From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 09:28:09 -0400
Subject: Re: Two AARs--John Atkinson vs Laserlight
Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
> John M. Atkinson wrote:
> >Yeeps. As near as I can figure, I was thinking 15, not 10. Too
> >to think--much driving, followed by much drinking in too small a time
> >frame.
> I hope you don't do that in the field (drink too much, that is)...
> 'Course, if the Kosovars and Serbs offer you as much plum (brandy?
> liquour? whatever) as they've done to some of my KFOR-deployed
> not drinking too much might be difficult without upsetting the locals
> <g>
No, it won't be. US forces are on a no-booze status when deployed.
Stupid, but there it is. Part of reason--we have two kids who will be
going to prison for getting blitzed in an Albanian's house and "loosing"
ammunition, night vision equipment, a plugger, some illum flares, and
misc other equipment. But the first three are sensitive items--very
much bad to lose.
> Your battle sounds like a pretty historical result, too - an NRE
> commodore engaging an alien squadron with unknown capabilities gets
> head handed to him by an alien with at least some experience of human
> designs, and your violent reaction to the outcome mirrors Humanity's
> panic in the early stages of the Xeno War quite well ;-)
Heh Heh Heh. . .
John M. Atkinson