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Re: KV Vehicles

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 12:50:22 PDT
Subject: Re: KV Vehicles

To be fair, I didn't think of the idea of making other weapons larger -
was proposed by the e-mail I was responding TO.  All I did was propose
different way of calculating that increase.

As for the Class 1/4 class comment, what I meant was, if you merely
the size of a k-gun to one class less than it's damage, then a class 5
5 chits damage and takes up 4 spaces, all the way down to a class 2 does
and takes up 1, and a class 1 does 1 and takes up 1 - rendering the
class 1 
unnecessary.  But if, instead, you increase the damage done by each
by 1, you get a useful class 1 weapon that does 2 damage, or actually in

effect, as you've hit it on the head, you've given the KV weapons of
2-6 that take up the same space as human weapons class 1-5 respectively.
course, you may have to also tweak the ranges in order to reflect KV

I'm ASSUMING that in FB you have to pay for both Hull AND armor.  Since 
there is no hull in DSII, I'd suggest that hull and armor translate into

armor in DSII.	Therefore, don't give the KV a free point, but do allow
to equip their vehicles with armor 1 level GREATER than their size. That

way,they have to pay for it still, but it does reflect the overall
robustness of their vehicles.

Brian B

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Thomas.Barclay" <>
Reply-To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
To: "GZG List (E-mail)" <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: KV Vehicles
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 15:11:40 -0400

I liked Brian's suggestions - I hadn't thought of making other systems a
bigger for KV.

As to the thought they never install size 1 systems... I figured they've
just grown past it. Their smallest system is as effective as a size 2
And they aren't limited to 4 sizes... the corrollary is that they can
an HKP 6. (Bigger than anything the humans have so far been able to

I don't know how havoc causing this would be in DS2. In SG2, all it
means is
an extra D12 of Impact.

I would agree with stealth and fast grav (same as the human fast grav...
their ships are as nimble as fast human ships insofar as I can see). I
buy light armour given the strong hulls they put on their ships. Whereas
could (I guess from the conversation) give them 1 more hit in DS2 and
Boom still kill them, that's meaningless from an SG2 perspective. 1 good
kills any vehicle in the SG2 system. So effectively as far of SG2 is
concerned, the only protection is armour. And we don't got no boom chits
. Whatever way we work it, the behaviour has to work in both systems.

And if we want to (assuming we do) model their ships on the ground for
ground forces... then we might want to make PDS harder for them to use
give them some sort of ground version of the shotgun. Probably single
rather than the shotgun concept - based on the way that missile attacks
resolved in serial in DS2 and SG2. We can't simulate the shotgun because
attacks don't happen concurrently. But we could equip them with PDC that
allow them to roll some extra dice (until they run out of charges)
missiles and which could also be focused as a limited attack upon other
targets. This would be *like* the shotgun concept.

alea iacta et pessimo	|  Thomas Barclay
resulto factura est	|  Software Specialist
------------------------|  Defence Systems
ave, Caesar!		|  xwave solutions
te morituiri salutimas	|
			 |  v: (613) 831 2018 x 3008

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