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Re: Mission to Mars

From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 13:21:40 -0600
Subject: Re: Mission to Mars

> >I mean after all how many
> >sci fi movies about Mars are there?
> A couple of dozen, most from the 50s and 60s. Nothing recent; the most
> probably being the Schwarzennegger movie from the mid 90s.

     "Mars Attacks"

     Probably the best science fiction movie involving head
transplants and the dangers of country western music.

Well, that one isn't really ABOUT Mars, mostly just the Martians. There
Martian Cronicles mini-series with Rock Hudson if you're willing to

You can't forget such sterling product like Santa Goes to Mars, or
Crusoe on Mars... *cough cough*

Not much grist for gaming in those,though.


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