RE: [GZG-ECC] 2001 Dates and location
From: "Hudak, Mike" <Hudak.Mike@d...>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 15:11:05 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG-ECC] 2001 Dates and location
That's what I like about you Jon, always looking out for the new guy!
But, as I'm sure there are others that would love the opportunity, are
SURE you can't have it on the Tour de Sports show weekend? I think Pae
I can throw some people in our houses if the hotel is desperate.... I
most people would be staying up at least that first night.... :-)
Is there anything we can do to help, as 'local guys'?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Davis, Jonathan E (CRD) []
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 3:04 PM
> To: 'gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU'
> Subject: [GZG-ECC] 2001 Dates and location
> The organizers have established a date and place for the
> Ground Zero Games - East Coast Convention IV.
> What: Ground Zero Games - East Coast Convention IV
> Date: March 2-4, 2001
> Location: Hotel Brunswick, Army Center Room (the same place...)
> Lancaster, Pennsylvania
> Preregistration fees will remain the same as GZG-ECC III.
> Rooms rate for the lodging is up to $62, for up to four occupants.
> ----
> The funny story is begging to be told.... and can best be initiated
> by asking the simple question,
> "Why isn't the convention on the last weekend of February?"
> Do you recall the group that ran the lingerie party last weekend?
> Tour de Sports, right?
> They're back with roughly double the attandance planned as this year.
> My hotel rep said that the hotel staff would be stretched, and
> adamantly suggested we move to a different weekend.
> Now, this does allow for some fun with our two local fellows, Mike
> Hudak and Mike Pae from Harrisburg. If they head down to Lancaster
> on the Friday night, February 23rd expecting to see the likes of
> me, Mark Kochte, Jerry Han, etc., they'll actually be in town for
> an even bigger lingerie party!
> "Gosh, honey, I thought it was the last weekend in February, but
> it's next weekend. We did get to talk to some English fellow
> on holiday in the States." :-)
> See you in March!
> Jon
<> The GreenWorks Gazette is coming!