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a scenario

From: Chris Connor <con9570@f...>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:09:32 -0800
Subject: a scenario

    I am designing a scenario and I am hoping to get some feedback from
list so it can be more balanced.

    scene:  a platoon of ESU light infantry has penetrated the NSL lines
has conducted a guerilla raid on an NSL firebase.  The NSL command has
tracked the guerillas to a small patch of forest near a supply depot. 
NSL has despatched a platoon of Panzer Grenadiers on a search and
patrol to get rid of the ESU guerillas.

NSL Briefing:

Force composition: a platoon of Panzer Grenadiers with full compliment
MICVs and PA.  also included is a sniper with Laser sniper rifle.  They
have three light mortars for support.

force quality and command levels:  quality is determined by the roll of
d6:1-2=veteran, 3-5=regular, 6=green.  command levels are also
roll of d6:1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3.

force confidence:  all NSL troopers are confident.

force motivation:  MEDIUM, they realize this is a very important mission
are wary of the guerillas.

fatigue level:	fresh.

objectives:  eradicating the guerillas, or doing enough damage to force
to withdraw back from enemy territory.

ESU Briefing:

force composition:  four eight man squads of infantry, each has a SAW. 
squad has a sniper with a laser sniper rifle, one squad has a GMS/P.

force quality and command levels:  quality levels are determined by a
1-3:veteran, 4-6: regular.  command levels are deteremined by a d6:
3-4=2, 5-6=3.

force confidence:  all ESU troops are steady.

force motivation:  MEDIUM, they're goal is to escape so they can hit

fatigue level: tired

objectives:  get off the opposite end of the board and damage the enemy
enough that they will no longer be able to pursue.

    The ESU forces get to start out hidden with 4 dummy counters.  The
also get 4 booby traps.  All the counters are allowed to move at normal
infantry rate, including the booby traps(spider mines).  Counters are
activated like normal units.  while hidden the only action a unit can
is to move, any other action will reveal the unit.  If a dummy or unit
counter moves into the open where an enemy unit has line of sight they
automatically detected.  Booby traps must move in the general direction
the enemy but not necessarily directly towards the nearest unit.  when a
booby trap gets within 6" of an enemy unit it shoots up and at them. 
booby trap causes d4 impact d8 hits on the target unit.
    The NSL troops deploy on one of the long edges of the board, the ESU
deploy on one of the short edges.  The NSL has to deploy first.

any and all feedbakc would be welcome.	I want to make this scenario as
balanced and playable as possible.

"treat your plane like your women,
jump in them about 5 times a day and take 'em
to heaven and back." -Captain FlashHeart

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