RE: Gothic Thrust Redux (and ECC T-shirts)
From: John Kovalic <john@k...>
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 00:01:08 -0500
Subject: RE: Gothic Thrust Redux (and ECC T-shirts)
Jon did say:
>Thanks again for the great art work on the GZG-ECC III T shirts.
>The T shirts were very well done. I believe some are still
>available. You'd have to ask Nick Caldwell.
That's great to hear. The shirt printer was supposed to send me some,
sent A) the wrong shirts, and B) the wrong size. I can't wait to see how
they turned out.
Thanks for the kind words, btw...
>The URL for the Gothic Thrust variant is at:
I hate to say it, but MY reason for using Gothic ships is they're SO
and easy to paint up, and these days, that's a BIG factor.
I still prefer the look of my FSE and NAC ships on the table...but they
take longer to finish off.
Soylens viridis homines est.
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