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[DS] Daleks AAR (longish)

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 08:50:59 +1000
Subject: [DS] Daleks AAR (longish)

G'day guys,

Ran off a few lines about a game we had last night - not too polished or
anything, just something fast.

Game was about 6000pts a side.
Humans had (roughly)
9 tracked main battle tanks with DFFGs
6 tracked APCs with line troops
1 tracked ADS
2 tracked on-board artillery pieces with HEF
2 bombers with MAK
14+ PA squads
12 Infantry Walkers
4 tracked medium tanks

Daleks had
1 oversize combat walker
2 large assault walkers
2 medium Dalek tanks
2 Heavy-weapons Daleks on foot
2 Marine Heavy-weapons Daleks
1 APSW Dalek squad on foot
1 APSW Dalek squad on hoverbout (VTOL movement)
- all of which were armed with PGNs (power-guns)
1 squad marine Daleks
3 squads of Daleks on foot
4 squads of Daleks on hoverbouts
1 squad suicide Daleks on foot
1 squad pyro-flame Daleks on foot
1 squad engineer Daleks in Hoverbout
1 squad ortillery spotter Daleks in Hoverbout
1 Emperor Dalek squad (C-in-C)

We used the idea St^3 Jon mentioned about first fire on a Dalek causing
supression (as racing around going "exterminate") and it caused a LOT of

I've yet to win with these tin-cans, but they're always fun and always
the other guy a scare so all in all I think (given the fact they've
won in a Dr Who episode) I play them perfectly! ;)


P.S. The mother in me has removed the expletives seeings we're in a


"Say again, over" John's voice caught in his throat.
"Seven of the main battle tanks have been vaporised, sir."
Seven?! John couldn't believe it. Seven of nine?! His entire tank force
all but gone and those son-of-a-b.... tin cans from hell were still just
rolling up the leafy avenue as if they didn't have a care in the world!
	Brigadier John Langiu had laughed the first time he'd seen the,
what did
the Doctor call them? Dayleks? No Daleks, that was is it. They'd looked
pretty comical spinning in place and proclaiming "exterminate,
in a tinny voice that was more suited to some old 2-bit flat screen vid
than an invading alien super-race. They didn't look so funny any more
that over 75% of his vehicles were gone. And the blasted things took
forever to kill! Until Private Rollings had figured out they were
in close combat the day had looked lost. Now the tide was turning
but would it be soon enough?

	John's thoughts were sheared clean apart as the electronics
static screeched across the comms and his command tank shook as if in
sweaty palms of some gargantuan pre-schooler.
"What the f... was that?!!!!" gunner Nobby Clark exclaimed, hand to his
forehead where it had collected his weapons consol.
"Ahhh, sh... " John was just about to curse equipment failure again when
the screen cleared to reveal a mass of tangled metal, twisted struts and
smoking, charred saucer. The remnants of one of the Daleks super-heavy
combat walkers. That thing had been poppin' tanks all day and now it was
gone. John could almost swear he could hear the whole battle-group
cheering, despite being sealed in this overgrown excuse for a pot-belly
	Then there was another power surge and a deep rumbling. Another
explosion, further away and not as large as before, but... yes they'd
out another Dalek walker. Smaller this time, but in his rapidly forming
opinion they were all as sodding dangerous and hard to kill. His command
tank had been tied down in this firefight for ages now. A tank against
bloody garbage bins! It was infuriating! To make things worse they
seem to even care for cover or logical military doctrine they just
up the tree-lined avenue, as if out for a stroll beside the adjoining
	The comms began to crackle again. John was sure the Daleks must
be jamming
even this archaic stuff now. Their touch-pads hadn't worked even before
first Daleks had rolled into the streets. It was the Doctor who knocked
together the first old-style radio for them while they pulled the rest
of mothballs. A couple of the handsets he'd seen even had the look of
museum pieces about them. Now though even these most basic of
where being effected. He finally got it settled and heard the sweetest
words he'd ever dreamed off.
"Emperor sighted at coordinates 000531513002, I say again, Emperor
at coordinates 000531513002". 
Bingo! Just like the Doctor had said! Though it had taken all day,
finally rolled up that flank and pinpointed the bugger!
"Alpha bravo one, alpha bravo two, this is niner, fire mission over."
"Niner this is alpha bravo one, send over." the familiar voice of the
battery's radio operator crackled over the comms.
"Niner this is alpha bravo two, send over." that voice threw him for a
second. Where was Jimmy? Damn another good man down, must have been in
early strike the damn tin cans had made at that end of the field. 
"This is niner, 000531513002, Emperor Dalek in woods, fire for effect,
The respective radio operators confirmed receipt of the fire mission,
moments later his sensor read-out indicated that the woods had been
prepared for his own infantry walkers to go in there and make-sure that
damned thing was dead!
	John knew those walkers moved like lightning, but as he watched
a flamer
armed Dalek set fire to a bridge right before his eyes the seconds seem
tick away like years and everything slowed into a surreal state as he
waited for confirmation of the Emperor's demise. Then it came, the
was dead and all the Daleks were routing, scuttling away like overgrown
shore crabs. John took a deep and steadying breath as cheers let loose
around and just to make sure he pinched himself. Ouch! No he wasn't

Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053


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