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Re: An apology for the unwashed Re: Heard at The Local Game Store ...

From: Michael Sarno <msarno@p...>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 07:23:10 -0500
Subject: Re: An apology for the unwashed Re: Heard at The Local Game Store ...

J Sadler wrote:

> >Don't blame me for the paucity of SG2 material.  I'm one of minority
> >rather see Jon 'contract out' the writing of BDS, FMA and FB than
wait for
> >them.  And I submitted at least one SG2 idea to the forthcoming
> >book.
> Something I thought about recently (the contracting out of BDS
> However the more I thought, the more I thought it would be a
logistical and
> moral nightmare for Jon - essentially the person who wrote BDS would
have to
> be paid for the effort, rather than Jon getting the profits and
putting them
> back into the business.

	I'm not sure where I come down on this argument; I haven't  and
won't take the time to examine the difference between the profit
potential of
both methods.  However, how does contracting out the work create "a
and moral nightmare"?  Isn't this how 99% of all publishers run their
It's not like the suggestion is far fetched and pushing GZG into


Michael Sarno
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"The world has no room for cowards.
 We must all be ready to toil, to suffer, to die.
 And yours is no less noble because no drum beats
 before you when you go out in your daily battlefields.
 And no crowds shout about your coming when you
 return from your daily victory or defeat."
 -Robert Louis Stevenson

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