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FT: battles report

From: GBailey@a...
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 17:49:18 EST
Subject: FT: battles report

I tried the new designs against Steve in two battles.

First: A 6 needle beam ship paired with a Nova Cannon ship, 842 points.
I got too close before making the run in so he sniped a few armor boxes
on both ships.	He had a Superior sensor and picked up the NC ships
first try, he never got the needler because I put a jammer on it.  But,
due to my lack of nagivational skills, the needler ended up 4" away
from his battlewagon but only his missile throwing frigate was within
the needle beam arcs.  I fired them anyway (I had the initiative) and 
didn't roll a six.  The needler barely survived and my ships warped out.
Round 1 to Steve.  Boo!  Hisss!

Second: I ran an 800 pt C2 ship, another ran a 600 pt ship.  Steve had
two BBs and three missilers.  On the run in he got initiative and
right, I intercepted 6 missile salvos.	I thought I was one cooked
He only rolled 19 missiles and my 12 PDS took out 10.  Missile damage
was poor.  His first BB fired and thresholded me, taking out 6 of 32
So I got 52 beam dice and got a threshold on his unfired ship.	That
and got another threshold on me.  Total 12 C2s damaged.  My ally's ship
almost finished the damaged BB.  Next round that damaged BB was
destroyed and my ally had his armor stripped away (he was double
I ran away to do repairs while my ally tried to turn in to fire his
2 x 180 degree pulse torps.  He did some damage to the remaining BB but 
was destroyed as I started my run in.  I got initiative, landed 5" away
directly in front of him (my speed=50).  All but 2 of my C2s had been
so I shredded the BB but it limped away and warped out.
Round 2 to me.	Yea!

Next combat I will use SMs.  Any suggestion for general design?
Lots of small SM ships?  Several medium or 1 large ship?
Racks or magazines?  Each of his BBs have about 6 PDS and an ADFC,
so if there are two BBs it will be a lot of PDS to penetrate.  And he
about 4-6 C1s per BB.


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