Another Goofy Alarishi Sovereignity
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 17:41:13 -0500
Subject: Another Goofy Alarishi Sovereignity
Now that I've been on prescription narcotics a few days, I'm
ready to tackle la Nueva Ciudad de Nuestra Senora de Los
Angeles, more familiarly known as New LA. Without getting into
all the details right now, let it be given that a California
Voodoo group felt it necessary to import dolphins from Earth
(the senior dolphin in the pod will be designated "the Eater of
Soles", evidentally a little problem with literacy here).
So how many dolphins does it take to make a viable community,
and how much room do they take up?
(What's the rest of New LA like? Take LA as it is now, add a
fairly large mixture of Brazilian Carnival, subtract US law, add
the flakes and nuts from other habs that failed. Got that?
Okay, that too conservative for the Angelenos).