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RE: Demoing SG2 (was Re: An apology for the unwashed)

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:17:29 +1000
Subject: RE: Demoing SG2 (was Re: An apology for the unwashed)

We've been running the demo games for Stargrunt for two years now and
quite a bit of success. We used set force cards as Mark is intending and
made up a modified Quick Reference Card as well as a condensed
intro/explanation of the rules.

For a Participation Game with New players the Squad Cards are a huge

In our Bugs Don't Surf scenario we included VTOLs ground mounted heavy
defence weapons and the surfing troopers complete with a "gnarly set"
wave! The game lasted 4 turns and we were able to play it out in 45
and that with people who had never played SG before!! Ran about 6
sessions a
day and had a lot of fun!

The Coopers Creek scenario was a longer affair included vehicles on both
sides but was still well attended.

Our series of linked scenarios at Cancon this year had everything bar EW

If anyone is seriously interested I'll send them what we used but with
respect to list members I won't send teh docs to teh list.

Good Luck mark, have fun!

Owen G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: -MWS- []
> Sent: Wednesday, 26 January 2000 5:18
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Demoing SG2 (was Re: An apology for the unwashed)


> One thing that I will be doing to speed the learning process 
> is to make a
> few squad "Force cards" that have all of the ranges, die shifts, and
> leadership rolls in tabular format all written out.  This 
> will allow most
> of the combat mechanics to be easily done, without a lot of the mental
> gymnastics and page flipping normally required to look up all 
> of the proper
> die types.
> ============================================================
> Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff
>  email:
>  StarFighter Command Homepage:
> ============================================================

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