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Re: [DS2, SG2] Sci-Fi Flavor in Games

From: Michael T Miserendino <MTMiserendino@l...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 11:26:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [DS2, SG2] Sci-Fi Flavor in Games

Brian Bell wrote:
>>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 01/25/00 08:30AM >>>
>I would like some input on how to create a greater SF flavor to these
>games other than by using aliens or exotic environments.

I think what the players see makes the biggest difference.  If you field
bunch of WWII tanks on the play field it will look like a WWII battle. 
you use kit-bashed tanks (mixing parts of WWII or other vehicles) or
minis, you will have a different picture.  I never found the rules to be

limiting, but the two complement each other.


Michael Miserendino
Senior Software Engineer
Lincoln Re

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