Re: Sculpting Miniatures
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 23:34:48 +0000
Subject: Re: Sculpting Miniatures
>> I happen to know that Agent's of Gaming
( is
>> scaling up production. They might be a hard sell though since one of
>their last
>> new hires flaked on them.
>I just ordered the EA Poseidon Super Carrier and it is by far the worst
>molded mini I've ever
>received. Is this part of the AOG flake problem you were mentioning?
What were the problems with it? I've had a few of the larger AoG ships
before that were not exactly well cast, usually poor surface finish and
distortion of some of the very large pieces. Casting a bit of pewter as
as (say) the main boom of an Octurion is never easy, but when it is so
(and too thick to straighten) that the mini can't be assembled it really
shouldn't have passed quality control. I've seen a number of their parts
where problems have been caused by opening the mould too early after
spinning (fatal where large parts are concerned, but often caused by too
much demand for production and to little capacity).
Basically, in crude terms you can teach a monkey to run a casting
(which is why the industry pays peanuts.... <grin>), but running it WELL
and checking quality at the same time is a bit more demanding.....
I suspect that the comment in the first post above was more a
sculptor/designer letting them down (either not producing promised work,
just being crap) rather than production problems, however.
Jon (GZG)