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Re: FT: detecting fighter types

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@p...>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 11:52:40 -0800
Subject: Re: FT: detecting fighter types wrote:
> Are fighter types known by the enemy before they use any defenses
> against the fighters?   An example would be a ship being attacked by
> a squadron of torpedo fighters and a squadron of heavy fighters.  Can
> any defensive fire be targeted on the torpedo squadron specifically?
> Not using MT sensors?
> Using MT sensors?
> Thanks,
> Glen

No rules cover the situation exactly.	Creating a set of logical
house rule is the best solution.

Use the MT sensor rules with a 4 detecting 'heavy' and 'fast'
fighters and a 5 defining all other types.  Give E-sensors a 
+1 and S-Sensors a +2 on the roll.

In our group we do not allow the selection of a specific 
fighter type as a target.   The target ship is under attack
by a group of fighter Sq. and lossed are distributed thru the 
group in a sequence selected by the defender.
I.E. If a ship is under attack by a Torpedo, Interceptor, and
standard fighter squadron, the defender may select his 'kill
priority' to be 'Torp, Standard, Interceptor'; assuming
this defensive fire generated 7 kills the attacker would
loose 3 torp, 2 standard and 2 interceptor.

Bye for now,
John L.

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