Re: [OT] website design
From: Chris Connor <con9570@f...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:27:37 -0800
Subject: Re: [OT] website design
Laserlight wrote:
> Now that we've determined that most people can see CSS, I'm
> about to redesign my website. The question then arises, what do
> people want to see? I've had some thoughts:
> Astrography (star class, location, and routes)
> Planetography (mass, location, climate etc)
> Demographics (population size, ethnic groups, religion)
> Economics (GNP total and per capita, tax rate)
> Government structure
> Relations with other countries
> History
> Navy:
> size, budget, and organization
> Ship designs
> Tactics
> Paint scheme for minis
> Special/experimental weapons
> Army:
> Size budget & organization
> Small unit designs
> Tactics
> Paint scheme for minis
> Famous Actions (scenarios)
> Important People
> Important Organizations
> Now, I'm not necessarily going to implement all of this for each
> nation I work on, but I'm curious--which of those pages would
> you be sufficiently interested in to click a link? What I have
> not included that you'd want to see? (Note: flaky Alarishi
> sovereignities are excluded from that last question, as I will
> assume for the sake of my ego that everyone is interested in
> that--and don't tell me differently....).
I would love to see something on army tactics, especially the small
scale kind used in SGII.