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Re: Nice work John C!

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 23:56:58 -0500
Subject: Re: Nice work John C!

At 10:54 AM 1/20/00 -0500, you wrote:
>That's quite a cityscape. Though from what/where did you get the rather
>uniform looking tenement buildings? They have the look of cardboard
>and a plastic roof? 

GW buildings, from Space Marine and its sequels.  I got them all through
Bartertown, and I had another boxfull that didn't make it onto the

The others were a handful of microtac buildings, souveniers of the
Chrystler Building and the Empire State, and some resin skyscrpaers
produced by Galia, that they never put into full production for some

>It's quite a board. I know I'm impressed. I hope the large multi-table
>scenario with mountain terrain me and Los will run at GZG ECC is

What did you make your mountain out of?  Our group's mountain was made
styrofoam covered with modelling paste -- very durable, and gave a nice
stony finish.

(It's vaguely visible in some historical gaming pictures, which you can
here:	The top picture, showing
the a town located inside of a dormant volcanic crater, is probably the
best. )

>I liked the idea of Owens' because as I recall it described you could
>put troops in buildings and it featured a very very congested board
>(buildings within 2 cm of one another, few clearings of the 6"

Armorcast does some excellent 28mm ruined buildings, and they now sell
non-ruined modern/sf buildings as well.  Modular construction, removable
roofs, and pretty cheap.  I haven't purchased any yet, due to a lack of
funds, but I intend to rectify that soon.  And I want to pick up that
of theirs, too; beautiful work.

Most of our recent games have been on very built-up boards, filled with
Armorcast and GW ruins.  I have a very small table for gaming, so we
to make the terrain pretty dense if we want the game to go on for very
long.  I need to do more Dirtside, or Ogre, games.  Either that, or
up some of those 15mm guys who are gathering dust....

John X Crimmins
  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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