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Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 20:27:22 +0000
Subject: Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]

>On 20-Jan-00 at 05:02,
>( wrote: > *unlurk*
>> Quoting Michael T Miserendino (Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 03:04:00PM -0500)
>> [simultaneous fire]
>> > 1. Recording damage now becomes a pain.  You need to indicate that
>> >  has been taken but will not take affect until the end of the
>> > between  the two squadrons.  It seems this would also slow game
>> > This is a	potential spot for errors - e.g. A player might forget
>> > damaged occured  this turn from previous damage, and not fire a
>> > system.
>My original post appears to have dropped somewhere, so...
>As everyone suggested, make a / on the hull or armour when
>the damage is rolled.	After all damage has been marked
>complete the X and do thresholds if necessary.  The big
>difference this way is you will only ever make 1 threshold
>check in a turn.  For a large fleet this would probably
>speed things up.
>Vector question- Am I the only one that drops a "start of
>vector" marker before moving ships in vector?	Doing
>that on the next turn the new vector is marker->ship, no
>waffling about direction and none of the speed rounds
>you seem to get with the "official" rules.  I personally
>think it is easier.

Yes, it is; it is even better if , after moving, you extend your tape
measure from the start-of-vector marker an equal distance PAST the model
and place a ZTP (Zero-Thrust-Projection) marker where the ship's vector
will place it NEXT turn if it applies no thrust. The down-side with
idea, and the main reason why I didn't inlcude it in the FB rules, is
if you are using more than a few ships the table gets very quickly
cluttered with lots of markers well away from the ships they relate to,
it can get very messy. Down to personal taste....

Jon (GZG)

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