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RE: Fleet Battles - Squadrons

From: "Andrew Apter" <apter@p...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 23:52:00 -0500
Subject: RE: Fleet Battles - Squadrons

I would just use different color dry erase pens 5 colors should outlast

-----Original Message-----

Michael T Miserendino wrote:
> 1. Recording damage now becomes a pain.  You need to indicate that
> has been taken but will not take affect until the end of the combat
> the two squadrons.  It seems this would also slow game play.	This is
> potential spot for errors - e.g. A player might forget which damaged
> this turn from previous damage, and not fire a weapon system.
     Not at all!   A very minor change in the process makes this VERY
simple to accomplish!	Systems that have been damaged in the current
get a slash mark for a notation.   At the end of the turn the slash
turns into
an 'X'.   JTL

Bye for now,
John L.

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