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Re: [FT] Fleet Battles

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 10:29:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Fleet Battles

On 19-Jan-00 at 10:26, We have the parachute, yes? (
> >> However, I always fire ships separately.
> >
> >same here; firing as squadrons would change the game: i could lump
all my
> >big ships in one squdron and fire them all at once on my first
action. to
> >prevent this, we'd need rules about valid squadrons, which would be a
> >pain.
> Well, you could say that any two opposing squadrons fire
> Thus if you 'win' the first action to activate a squadron, they all
> Your opponent then may activate a squadron when you are finished and
> all the ships in that squadron. After all fire is completed and damage
> has been assigned, damage will then immediately take effect and you
> on to the next squadron pair.
> Variant on this is that the two sides must pick which of their
> will fire before firing occurs for each iteration of the above cycle.
> This would negate the "I'm firing all the ships in my squadron onto
> squadron of yours" "Oh yeah? Well, I activate that squadron for my
> activation and they will fire before any are destroyed."
> It's not a pretty solution, but a workable one.

Of course there's always simultaneous fire.


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