Mini Tournament
From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 23:19:24 +1100
Subject: Mini Tournament
For all those who are interested, particularly those in the
Sydney area
(those elsewhere might have some problems getting here but we would be
to see you) the Western Suburbs Gamers Society of Sydney plans to run a
Mini FT Tournament on Feb 20th at the Blacktown Masonic Hall. There will
no entry fee and Nick Robson of Eureka Minitures has kindly donated 3 of
the new UN ships as trophies (Superdread, Dread and Battleship I think
it might be IF?). The rules will be the same as those for our major
tournament on 18-19th March and can be found by visiting our web site,
the actual rules being at
I hope some of you can come along or that someone you know
might. Anyhow
thank you and hope to see some of you soon.